Useful Links For Our REAL Agent Partners
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You've completed your application & signed your contract now what? Once you have completed the your application on the Join Real link on the join page your on on boarding will begin. Once you have been set up by the REAL team you will start to get a series of emails from REAL including a welcome email that looks like the email below. The first thing you should do is download the APP from your app store and log in using the same email and password you used when you created an account to complete your application. Once logged in complete the steps the app takes you through to complete the set up of your profile and account. In about 5 minutes you will be up and running with REAL. Below are some quick links to help you get to the right place fast:
Closing Deals With Real
Real REZEN App Desktop Login Click here
Tracy's tips for closing deals out with Real Click here
Using the REAL APP to Close BUYER SIDE deals training Click here
Escrow Deposits
Escrow/Trust deposit management in Real Desktop Click Here
Using the Real App to Deposit Escrow Checks Click Here
All Checks to be made out to and mailed to Real Broker for MA,RI, CT as follows
Real Broker, LLC
Amanda Hannon, Managing Broker
9 Whipple St Unit 7
Cumberland RI 02864
[email protected]
(C) 401-575-7854
Onboarding With Real Broker
Real Broker On boarding process click here
Real Weekly training calendar click here
Zendesk Knowledge center(on demand tutorials of all REAL products click here
Attend the next REAL orientation Click here
Questions during the on boarding process? email [email protected]
FAQ's Click here
Other Resources For Real Agents
Logo's & Yard Signs Click here
Oakley Sign Store Click here
Logo files for MA Click here
Brokered By Logos (NIC MA in them) Click Here
Marketing Center Click here
Vista Print Store (For business cards) Click here
REAL Workplace (Real's online chat and messaging board) Click here
Workplace joining themes Click here
Social media Sharables (Pics, holiday images, etc.) Click here
If you have any questions you can also email support anytime at [email protected]
Weekly trainings and masterminds in our network
Important people to follow:
Tips for closing out deals with REAL
Start early! Don’t wait until the deal is closed to create your transactions in SkySlope. When you take a new listing start a new transaction in Skyslope. When you get an offer accepted for a buyer create a new transaction. If your listing goes contingent mark if as offer accepted in Skyslope. Add all docs you have to the checklist by sharing from Dot Loop to Skyslope using your sky slope email. There is no form submission process. Forms are always reviewed and approved as they are uploaded which is why starting early is key. It will mean less for the broker to review and approve later. If you wouldn’t normally use a form that is on the checklist in sky slope then just put N/A in the box. If the broker has a concern they will respond with a concern. Watch this video to learn how to move them easily without downloading them.
Set up your Real Direct Deposit: If you haven’t closed a deal yet with REAL make sure you log into the Real App which can be downloaded from your phones App store and log in using the log in you first used to sign your contracts and walk through the set up steps to set up your direct pay feature with Tipalti and fill out your W-9. This is much easier on your phone but you can also always get into the app to manage transactions also at You won’t be able to get paid until these steps are complete.
Get a TC: If you don’t want to even deal with #1 above or everything below hire a TC like our in-house TC Chris Dirico at [email protected]
Deposits: If it is a listing side deal and you have an accepted offer checks should be mailed to Real Broker MA, LLC, 90 Canal Street, Boston, MA 02114. Upon receipt Maureen in the main office will deposit it and send you a copy of the deposit check and receipt. Note the checklist items in Skyslope for deposits is requesting a copy of the check with the receipt of deposit as they need proof of the date and time of deposit, not just a copy of the check. If any questions on receipt of deposits email Maureen at [email protected]
P&S Deposits To Be Held By Attorneys When Possible: I highly suggest requesting that attorneys hold the P&S deposits. There are far too many mix ups going on with holding overage and its safer and faster to deal with if the attorneys are holding the large deposits. This will also prevent the many calls from buyers agents who hoped for a check at closing and sellers looking for overage checks right after closing. There are no good reasons for Real to hold p&s deposits. Plus it minimizes the steps you will have to take in closing deals with Real.
Overage Wires Pre Closing: If we are holding overage more than the total commission it is best to have the overage wired to the closing attorneys 5 days prior to closing. To request a wire get the wire instructions from the closing attorney and send along with your commission invoice to Andy Armata & Maureen Hoffman at [email protected] & [email protected]
Overage After Closing: If we are holding overage and the deal has closed please email Sandra a request for release of overage along with a copy of the commission invoice and clear directions on the amount of overage and where the check should be mailed to and to who’s attention. These notes should be also added to the notes section in Skyslope on the commission tab. I would suggest avoiding REAL holding overage though whenever possible though.
Closing date changes: If you have a closing delay or it moved up make sure you update the closing date in Skyslope. This helps the closing team focus on deals that have actually closed. If you see expired in Skyslope its just means your closing date entered has expired not the deal. There is nothing to worry about if it says expired.
Real App Steps Prior to Close: When you are a week or so away from closing please make sure you go in the Real app or and go to the transaction tab and begin the steps it takes to get to the final step prior to closing which is “ Commission Doc Sent” The steps begin with “validate commission” which is the step where you confirm if you are the only one getting paid on the deal. When you get to the split page this is 100% unless you are paying a referral fee or team fee. If you are paying a team fee this screen would be where your team leader will show and you enter in the team split. This screen does not mean your Real Split. Once you complete that step the broker approves it usually same day and then you will have to complete the “Generate commission doc” and “Send comm doc” steps. Once you get to “Commission Doc Sent” as a status you are ready to close and if you open up the transaction you will see a deposit check blue button. This is where you scan and deposit the check if you have it. If it is being mailed to Real you will get a copy via email and will have to upload to Skyslope checklist under closing docs. Watch this video to learn how to use the Real App
Paying Co Broke Steps: If Real is paying a co broke you will need to add a participant into the deal when you are validating commission or before hand. You can also do it afterwards but that will cause you to have to re validate commission. Check out this video if you need to adjust commissions and missed adding in a participant. When adding in a co broke participant or referral agent you will need to have their W-9 and tax id info handy. This is why you should request their invoice and W-9 when you create your commission invoice.
Adding Trust Deposits To App: If on the listing side you will also need to add a trust deposit we are holding to the Real App as well. This video shows you how to add offer and p&s trust deposits. This helps the closing team find and source the deposit made to Real faster and close the deal without potential questions or concerns. Watch this video to learn how to do this
Closing Docs Required in Skyslope: Try if possible to get the CD. We have had several recent mistakes by attorneys closing deals that could end up in Real being shorted money paid to the wrong party at closing if Real can’t review the CD. In a case recently the attorney ignored our invoice and paid the seller in full and never told us that balance should go to the co broke. So now the co broke has to wait for the seller to decide if and when he wants to send money back. A review of the CD could have avoided that. Uploading the CD and copy of commission check and receipt of deposit to the closing docs section in Skyslope will help minimize potential mistakes.
Closing Deals When there is no check (Holding all Funds): Once the deal is closed and on record if we are holding all monies in escrow or overage and no amount remains owed to Real please email Sandra Hazners at [email protected] that the deal is closed and ready for processing along with notes on how the deal is to be paid out i.e. Real total, Co Broke name and total, overage amount and who to pay and where to mail, etc. The clearer the better. Add these notes into the sky slope commission tab notes section also so every that is part of closing the deal out sees the notes.
Closing Statuses To Getting To Paid: Once the check has been deposited within 1-2 days the deal should move to a status of “Payment Accepted” which means the deposits has been confirmed and all parties being paid out including you are being processed. The final status will be “Payment scheduled” which means it’s on its way to you at which point you will also get an email from Tipalti saying your funds are on the way. If it seems like something is taking too long email Sandra at [email protected] with the address asking for her to check on the status. Most of the time we have seen payments going out with 24-48 hours. The more complicated deals with overage and co broke checks can take a little longer. This is why the clearer your files and notes the better.
Depositing Commission Checks: If Real is owed money at closing you have two choices. One to grab the check when you go shake hands at the closing like we all should, and deposit it through the transaction in your phone app or it can be mailed to REAL. Moving forward the commission invoices will have the Boston address on them but if a check shows up in Shrewsbury we will still deposit them and send you a copy of the deposited check. Checks being mailed should go to Real Broker MA, LLC, 90 Canal Street, Boston, MA 02114. When Maureen in Boston receives and deposits a check she will send a copy that you will need to upload to the closing doc checklist in Skyslope. If you deposited it through the app you can just hold the check in your file. Hold it for awhile in case there is an issue with the scan through the app. You can then note in sky slope closing doc section “Deposited through app” and won’t need to upload a copy of the check.
When you know you are done: If Real is holding all commission and or you or Real has deposited the check the deal should automatically move onto the closing team for processing. As mentioned above it should go to Payment Accepted and then Payment Scheduled within 2-3 days max (Usually is 1-2 days) If you don’t see it changing status you can email [email protected] for a status update. The only time I would suggest emailing her prior to the 2-3 days is if there was no check at closing because Real had all monies in escrow. In these cases I would emailing her as soon as on record with detailed notes on total held, and the break down of amounts to Real, co broke, and overage if any. The better the details the easier it will be for them to understand how the payouts should be handled.
When to lean on support: I would suggest using Real Broker support for any tech issues with your app or direct deposit set up. They do not know our state ways of doing business so they are not the best at handling deal closing issues but are awesome and super responsive for all other tech issues and concerns
If you need a look over for the first couple deals let Jeff or I know as we can see most details and help you through things and do spot checks. It just takes a little getting used to and they are about 45 days away from Skyslope going away completely and everything being in one place so it will get more streamlined with time. They are very serious about improving and making this the best company in the world so exciting times are ahead for all of us with Real.
Andy Armata [email protected] (Broker for MA, CT, NH)
Maureen Hoffman [email protected] (Boston Administrator)
Sandra Hazner [email protected] (Closing coordinator)
Support [email protected]
Real Broker MA, LLC,
90 Canal Street
Boston, MA 02114
Start early! Don’t wait until the deal is closed to create your transactions in SkySlope. When you take a new listing start a new transaction in Skyslope. When you get an offer accepted for a buyer create a new transaction. If your listing goes contingent mark if as offer accepted in Skyslope. Add all docs you have to the checklist by sharing from Dot Loop to Skyslope using your sky slope email. There is no form submission process. Forms are always reviewed and approved as they are uploaded which is why starting early is key. It will mean less for the broker to review and approve later. If you wouldn’t normally use a form that is on the checklist in sky slope then just put N/A in the box. If the broker has a concern they will respond with a concern. Watch this video to learn how to move them easily without downloading them.
Set up your Real Direct Deposit: If you haven’t closed a deal yet with REAL make sure you log into the Real App which can be downloaded from your phones App store and log in using the log in you first used to sign your contracts and walk through the set up steps to set up your direct pay feature with Tipalti and fill out your W-9. This is much easier on your phone but you can also always get into the app to manage transactions also at You won’t be able to get paid until these steps are complete.
Get a TC: If you don’t want to even deal with #1 above or everything below hire a TC like our in-house TC Chris Dirico at [email protected]
Deposits: If it is a listing side deal and you have an accepted offer checks should be mailed to Real Broker MA, LLC, 90 Canal Street, Boston, MA 02114. Upon receipt Maureen in the main office will deposit it and send you a copy of the deposit check and receipt. Note the checklist items in Skyslope for deposits is requesting a copy of the check with the receipt of deposit as they need proof of the date and time of deposit, not just a copy of the check. If any questions on receipt of deposits email Maureen at [email protected]
P&S Deposits To Be Held By Attorneys When Possible: I highly suggest requesting that attorneys hold the P&S deposits. There are far too many mix ups going on with holding overage and its safer and faster to deal with if the attorneys are holding the large deposits. This will also prevent the many calls from buyers agents who hoped for a check at closing and sellers looking for overage checks right after closing. There are no good reasons for Real to hold p&s deposits. Plus it minimizes the steps you will have to take in closing deals with Real.
Overage Wires Pre Closing: If we are holding overage more than the total commission it is best to have the overage wired to the closing attorneys 5 days prior to closing. To request a wire get the wire instructions from the closing attorney and send along with your commission invoice to Andy Armata & Maureen Hoffman at [email protected] & [email protected]
Overage After Closing: If we are holding overage and the deal has closed please email Sandra a request for release of overage along with a copy of the commission invoice and clear directions on the amount of overage and where the check should be mailed to and to who’s attention. These notes should be also added to the notes section in Skyslope on the commission tab. I would suggest avoiding REAL holding overage though whenever possible though.
Closing date changes: If you have a closing delay or it moved up make sure you update the closing date in Skyslope. This helps the closing team focus on deals that have actually closed. If you see expired in Skyslope its just means your closing date entered has expired not the deal. There is nothing to worry about if it says expired.
Real App Steps Prior to Close: When you are a week or so away from closing please make sure you go in the Real app or and go to the transaction tab and begin the steps it takes to get to the final step prior to closing which is “ Commission Doc Sent” The steps begin with “validate commission” which is the step where you confirm if you are the only one getting paid on the deal. When you get to the split page this is 100% unless you are paying a referral fee or team fee. If you are paying a team fee this screen would be where your team leader will show and you enter in the team split. This screen does not mean your Real Split. Once you complete that step the broker approves it usually same day and then you will have to complete the “Generate commission doc” and “Send comm doc” steps. Once you get to “Commission Doc Sent” as a status you are ready to close and if you open up the transaction you will see a deposit check blue button. This is where you scan and deposit the check if you have it. If it is being mailed to Real you will get a copy via email and will have to upload to Skyslope checklist under closing docs. Watch this video to learn how to use the Real App
Paying Co Broke Steps: If Real is paying a co broke you will need to add a participant into the deal when you are validating commission or before hand. You can also do it afterwards but that will cause you to have to re validate commission. Check out this video if you need to adjust commissions and missed adding in a participant. When adding in a co broke participant or referral agent you will need to have their W-9 and tax id info handy. This is why you should request their invoice and W-9 when you create your commission invoice.
Adding Trust Deposits To App: If on the listing side you will also need to add a trust deposit we are holding to the Real App as well. This video shows you how to add offer and p&s trust deposits. This helps the closing team find and source the deposit made to Real faster and close the deal without potential questions or concerns. Watch this video to learn how to do this
Closing Docs Required in Skyslope: Try if possible to get the CD. We have had several recent mistakes by attorneys closing deals that could end up in Real being shorted money paid to the wrong party at closing if Real can’t review the CD. In a case recently the attorney ignored our invoice and paid the seller in full and never told us that balance should go to the co broke. So now the co broke has to wait for the seller to decide if and when he wants to send money back. A review of the CD could have avoided that. Uploading the CD and copy of commission check and receipt of deposit to the closing docs section in Skyslope will help minimize potential mistakes.
Closing Deals When there is no check (Holding all Funds): Once the deal is closed and on record if we are holding all monies in escrow or overage and no amount remains owed to Real please email Sandra Hazners at [email protected] that the deal is closed and ready for processing along with notes on how the deal is to be paid out i.e. Real total, Co Broke name and total, overage amount and who to pay and where to mail, etc. The clearer the better. Add these notes into the sky slope commission tab notes section also so every that is part of closing the deal out sees the notes.
Closing Statuses To Getting To Paid: Once the check has been deposited within 1-2 days the deal should move to a status of “Payment Accepted” which means the deposits has been confirmed and all parties being paid out including you are being processed. The final status will be “Payment scheduled” which means it’s on its way to you at which point you will also get an email from Tipalti saying your funds are on the way. If it seems like something is taking too long email Sandra at [email protected] with the address asking for her to check on the status. Most of the time we have seen payments going out with 24-48 hours. The more complicated deals with overage and co broke checks can take a little longer. This is why the clearer your files and notes the better.
Depositing Commission Checks: If Real is owed money at closing you have two choices. One to grab the check when you go shake hands at the closing like we all should, and deposit it through the transaction in your phone app or it can be mailed to REAL. Moving forward the commission invoices will have the Boston address on them but if a check shows up in Shrewsbury we will still deposit them and send you a copy of the deposited check. Checks being mailed should go to Real Broker MA, LLC, 90 Canal Street, Boston, MA 02114. When Maureen in Boston receives and deposits a check she will send a copy that you will need to upload to the closing doc checklist in Skyslope. If you deposited it through the app you can just hold the check in your file. Hold it for awhile in case there is an issue with the scan through the app. You can then note in sky slope closing doc section “Deposited through app” and won’t need to upload a copy of the check.
When you know you are done: If Real is holding all commission and or you or Real has deposited the check the deal should automatically move onto the closing team for processing. As mentioned above it should go to Payment Accepted and then Payment Scheduled within 2-3 days max (Usually is 1-2 days) If you don’t see it changing status you can email [email protected] for a status update. The only time I would suggest emailing her prior to the 2-3 days is if there was no check at closing because Real had all monies in escrow. In these cases I would emailing her as soon as on record with detailed notes on total held, and the break down of amounts to Real, co broke, and overage if any. The better the details the easier it will be for them to understand how the payouts should be handled.
When to lean on support: I would suggest using Real Broker support for any tech issues with your app or direct deposit set up. They do not know our state ways of doing business so they are not the best at handling deal closing issues but are awesome and super responsive for all other tech issues and concerns
If you need a look over for the first couple deals let Jeff or I know as we can see most details and help you through things and do spot checks. It just takes a little getting used to and they are about 45 days away from Skyslope going away completely and everything being in one place so it will get more streamlined with time. They are very serious about improving and making this the best company in the world so exciting times are ahead for all of us with Real.
Andy Armata [email protected] (Broker for MA, CT, NH)
Maureen Hoffman [email protected] (Boston Administrator)
Sandra Hazner [email protected] (Closing coordinator)
Support [email protected]
Real Broker MA, LLC,
90 Canal Street
Boston, MA 02114